Monday, June 17, 2013

Experiences Like This Do Not Occur Every Day!

Back in early March, I made one of those decisions that, quite frankly I will thank my lucky stars for the rest of my life that I made. In was the simple act of auditioning for Jim Nolan for the chance to work with him in a large scale amateur production of Tom Stoppard's "On The Razzle". That experience alone would have genuinely been enough, but I was stunned to have been offered a leading role in this high class farce. As I write this we are half way through our two week run (two weeks and a full week of technical rehearsals - unheard of in am-dram) and as exhausted as I am - I am deliriously happy at the work we have done, and the reaction of the audience and critics to it. I got to work on the radio ad, I got a two page interview in The Munster Express but most importantly, I got to work with an amazing cast and crew, on a stunning set designed by John O'Donougue. There is a wealth of local theatre heroes out there and I have been blow away by the talented people - especially young folk who are working on this who write/act/direct/light their own pieces! We started rehearsals for this in the first week of April - and the weeks have just flown by. Take a bow Garter Lane for producing this smashing in-house production and to the Arts Council and Waterford City Council for funding...especially to Jim Nolan for his faith in me. I have learnt more about theatre in the last nine week than I have in the previous 40+ years.

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