There has been a lot of
discussion on Twitter here in Ireland
regarding the creation of a new force – or forces – in Irish Politics. The
recent Irish Times/MRBI© Opinion poll puts Sinn Fein on 21% making
it the second largest party, in terms of popular support. This would have been
unheard of five years ago never mind ten or twenty. The government parties
(Fine Gale and Labour) still enjoy the support of the majority, all be it by
the tightest of margins. As an electorate we have allowed ourselves to be lead
at times by individuals who quite seriously could not run a golf club. We have
allowed an oath of allegiance and a treaty boundary to dictate who we vote for.
Politics does not come into it, ideology, most certainly not. Even though most ideology moves to a more
pragmatic centre ground once you have to actually govern…but even besides that…for
the majority we are happy for our politicians to sit on the fence. No one wants
to pay for services, yet no one wants services reduced. Even on other issues
most are happy to play on both sides. A recent example is Sinn Fein’s
pronouncements on the X Case legislation, we’re pro-life – and we’re
pro-choice! They are not alone in this – they all do it because they have a
constant eye on the next election. We badly need reform of certain public
services (and certain public servants) and we badly need governmental reform in
the body politic. If we agree that the whip system is the right way to
continue, then don’t be surprised when your local TD votes along party lines
against a burning local issue. Personally I believe that any TD elected for a
party who loses the whip, should lose their seat. I have never voted for
personalities, I vote for party candidates based on published manifestos. So if
an individual resigns from that responsibility, they have let many of the
people who voted them in down. We need solid and stable fix term government,
and it is time that people woke up and started to take up the mantle and decide
if what they are being offered is good enough. There are many fine people in
all political parties and many more from none. Many of us seek a home
politically – and simply – cannot find it within the current offering.